电容式液位传感器CL01DH05 鱼缸 水 牛奶 蜂蜜 乳胶 体液(血液)酸性或碱性溶液检测传感器



⚫ 应用邻域 / Application
鱼缸/ fish tank 
Attach the sensor to the outside of the fish tank, which can be used to detect when the tank is full or when it feels short of water, and can also be used to control the tank level
热水器/ water heater 
Install this sensor outside the water tank of the water heater. If it detects that there is no water in the tank, it can prompt or stop heating, which is safe and worry free
咖啡机/ Coffee machine 
Install sensors on the outside of the coffee machine water tank to detect whether the water level in the tank meets the current usable standards
小家电/ Household electrical appliances 
Air steamer, check if there is water in the water tank. When the water tank is empty, prompt the user to add water. Otherwise, it cannot be used to prevent dry burning, damage to electrical appliances, or fire. A washing machine can detect the presence of laundry detergent or other materials, and prompt the user to add laundry detergent if it is not enough. The printing machine checks whether the ink is sufficient.
需要检测液体的设备……/ Equipment that needs to be tested for liquids......

⚫ 原理及优势/ Principle and Advantages
1. 原理 / Principle
Capacitive liquid level sensors use the different charges present in water and air to sense and distinguish whether there is water in the containerWhen there is no water in the container, the charge is relatively low, which is equivalent to not being in a capacitor. When there is water in the container and there is a large amount of charge in the water, there can be a slight change in capacitance value relative to air. The signal is processed by the circuit, and the algorithm calculates and judges this change, ultimately outputting whether there is water in the current state.
2. 优势/ Advantages
• 没有外部参考电容,准确性高(一般的电容液位传感器需要一个外部电容来调节灵敏度,而这个外部电容的精确的本身就无法控制,造成一般的电容式液位传感器在在出厂时可用,但是到了一定条件下就不可用。容易造成大量返修)
Without an external reference capacitor, the accuracy is high (typical capacitive liquid level sensors require an external capacitor to adjust sensitivity, and the precision of this external capacitor itself cannot be controlled, resulting in general capacitive liquid level sensors being usable at the factory but unusable under certain conditions. This can easily lead to a large number of repairs)
• 电容式液位传感器在使用过程中可以不改变水箱的形状,只需贴合在水箱外侧,安装使用方便
The capacitive liquid level sensor can be used without changing the shape of the water tank, and only needs to be attached to the outside of the water tank for easy installation and use
• 无需与液体直接接触,不受水垢等液体的因素影响使用
No need to come into direct contact with liquids, and not affected by factors such as scale and other liquids when used
• 灵敏度高,可由软件进行灵敏的的调节,不用改变外围电路电容值
High sensitivity, can be adjusted sensitively by software without changing the capacitance value of peripheral circuits
• 体积小,没有机械结构,无需担心使用寿命问题
Small size, no mechanical structure, no need to worry about lifespan issues
• 客户直接在IO上进行检测即可。无需进行复杂的操做调试。
Customers can directly perform testing on IO. No need for complex operation and debugging
