共 42 个产品
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GC5849三相无传感器正弦波180度 风扇驱动器 替代Allegro A4949 瑞盟MS39549
The GC5845 and GC5849 is a three phase motor driver incorporate sinusoidal drive to minimize audible noise and vibration for medium power fans. A speed input is provided to control motor speed. This allows system cost savings by eliminating an external variable power supply.¥ 0.00了解详情
GC5845三相无传感器正弦波180度 风扇驱动器 替代Allegro A4945 瑞盟MS39545
The GC5845 and GC5849 is a three phase motor driver incorporate sinusoidal drive to minimize audible noise and vibration for medium power fans. A speed input is provided to control motor speed. This allows system cost savings by eliminating an external variable power supply.¥ 0.00了解详情
GC5331三相正弦波无感风扇电机驱动器 替代茂达APX9331
The GC5331 provides all the circuitry for sensor-less speed control of three-phase brushless DC motor. The Sine-wave Driver method will be better sound quality. The controller functions include start-up circuit, backEMF commutation control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed control, lock protection, and thermal shutdown circuit.¥ 0.00了解详情
GC1288单相24V风扇电机驱动器 国产替代ON三洋LA6588 茂达APX9222 三洋LA6583
The GC1288 is a single-phase bipolar fan motor IC for 24V power supplies. Linear driver with BTL output ensures efficient, energy-saving and silent drive while suppressing ineffective current.
GC1288 integrated with over-temperature protection and stall-guard protection。¥ 0.00了解详情
FX6600 3A 55V 全桥驱动军品级 国产替代TI LMD18200QML
FX6600是一个3A全桥驱动,通过应用BCD技术中实现了电机控制,它结合了隔离的DMOS功率晶体管。通过使用这种混合技术,尽可能达到最好的性能。DMOS输出晶体管可以在高达55V的电源电压下工作,并能在高开关速度下高效工作。¥ 0.00了解详情
DVD播放机的4通道电机驱动器 DIODES AM5901A
The AM5901A is a 4-channel motor driver with power controller that includes the reset, battery charge and reduced voltage detection circuits required for portable CD/MP3/VCD players on a single chip.¥ 0.00了解详情
DVD播放机的4通道电机驱动器 DIODES AM5954A
The AM5954A is a four-channel BTL driver IC for driving the motors and actuators in products for DVDplayer drivers. Two of the channels use current feedback to minimize the current phase shift caused by the influence of load inductance. This IC is an improved version of AZ5954.¥ 0.00了解详情
直流电机控制电路 DIODES AM6651B
The AM6651B is a monolithic integrated circuit that provides motor speed control, reverse voltage protection, and stable reference voltage. This IC is specially designed for tape recorder and recorder player.¥ 0.00了解详情
7886替代拓尔微TMI8260DP 14V直流双向15A电机/马达驱动芯片
7886 是一款直流双向电机驱动芯片, 适用于玩具、 自动阀门、 电磁门锁等电机驱动场合。 该芯片有两个逻辑输入端子用来控制电机前进、 后退及制动。 具有良好的抗干扰性, 微小的待机电流、 低的输出内阻,同时内部集成二极管可迅速释放感性负载的反向冲击电流。¥ 0.00了解详情
7889替代拓尔微TMI8260SP 15V直流双向6A电机/马达驱动芯片
7886 是一款直流双向电机驱动芯片, 适用于玩具、 自动阀门、 电磁门锁等电机驱动场合。 该芯片有两个逻辑输入端子用来控制电机前进、 后退及制动。 具有良好的抗干扰性, 微小的待机电流、 低的输出内阻,同时内部集成二极管可迅速释放感性负载的反向冲击电流。¥ 0.00了解详情
GC8549是一款双通道12V直流电机驱动芯片,为摄像机、消费类产品、玩具和其他低压或者电池供电的运动控制类应用提供了集成的电机驱动解决方案。芯片一般用来驱动两个直流电机或者驱动一个步进电机。¥ 0.00了解详情